Friday, October 2, 2015

David Hays Account Book, Bedford, 1770-1775

I received photocopies of the daybook yesterday. I will be scanning the pages that list purchases and payments made by our Clark ancestors. There are a few names of Clarks unknown to us, and I hope to trace them out to see if one or more might be siblings of our elder John Clark. Many payments made to John Hays are in the form of trading wheat, wood, labor, butter, flaxseed, other farm products, and sometimes cash. Many purchases are documented as "Sundry", being too small to list individually. Specified purchases are: molasses, rum, sugar, cloth, handkercheifs, hats, tea, shoes, brandy, salt, other household items, and spelling books.


  1. Hi Liz, How did it go with the Account book? Find any gems? Terry

  2. Small, but precious all the same. I will send you some images. Give me a couple days. Liz
